Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Blog 3: New Top 10 Inventions

New List of Top 10 Inventions 

I chose my top 10 inventions on the following criteria: 
-Inventions that met Fundamental Needs
-Changed our day-to-day life 
-Increased the flow of ideas and education 
-Had great traction and success

Invention 1: Printing Press
The Printing Press is a pretty conventional choice, but it is extremely important. It increased literacy rates and the flow of ideas across the globe. Moreover, printed texts became a new way to spread information to vast audiences quickly and cheaply. Academics benefited from this dissemination of scholarly ideas and even politicians found that they could garner the public’s interest through printed pamphlets. An important side effect was that people could read and increase their knowledge more easily now, whereas in the past it was common for people to be quite uneducated. This increased the discussion and development of new ideas. 

Invention 2: Airplane 
The airplane has revolutionized the way we travel from place to place. It has allowed people and goods to travel great distances, which were impossible before. Airplanes have allowed businesses to go international and improved job opportunities. It has also improved trading between countries, making it easier and faster. Airplanes have greatly contributed to the spread of culture, religion, ideas, and education. 

Invention 3: Steam Engine
The Steam Engine was created to power machines. It allowed factories to be built anywhere, not just along fast-flowing rivers. Steam power is one of the most important and key aspects of the Industrial Revolution. The invention of the steam engine created many changes and additions to the technology of the time, including steam powered locomotives. Steam locomotives are vehicles that run on rails or tracks and are powered by steam engines.

Invention 4: Compass
The Compass allowed travelers to easily navigate on land and sea. Now sailors would not need to depend on landmarks to find their way. Instead Earth’s magnetic field could guide them.

Invention 5: Plumbing
Plumbing has significantly changed the quality of life. How would we eat, drink, shower or brush our teeth without it?  Moreover, sanitation and plumbing is crucial because without it diseases would spread way more easily. Unmanaged human waste is a hugely dangerous thing, making a population incredibly vulnerable to epidemic. 

Invention 6: Refrigerator 
The refrigerator has improved storage of food that could usually go bad in a few days. Now people can trade better because food will not go bad as easily. Now meals can be mad beforehand and stored for later without going bad easily. It has completed revolutionized the food industry.

Invention 7: Light Bulb
The light bulb completely revolutionized day-to-day lives. Now people are able to do activities, and work past sunset. It increased the number of hours people are able to be productive. Also, now people would not need to use candles for light. Light bulbs are way less of a fire hazard. They are more convenient as they do not blow out from wind and do not need oil to run. 

Invention 8: Telephone
Telephone allowed people to communicate all around the world. It changed every aspect of our life from business, personal relations, war, and much more. The telephone is important for private and commercial use as it supports business operation, socialization and global interaction by offering a way for business to communicate without delays between messages. The invention of the telephone offered an instantaneous form of communication. 

Invention 9: Antibiotics
Antibiotics such as Penicillin completely changed modern medicine.The discovery of penicillin changed the world of medicine enormously. With its development, infections that were previously severe and often fatal, like bacterial endocarditis, bacterial meningitis and pneumococcal pneumonia, could be easily treated. It saved many lives! 

Invention 10: The Internet
The Internet is the modern society’s most popular and significant invention. It connects millions of people across the globe and has improved the way people communicate and spread information.

Thank you for reading! :) 


  1. Hi Vruti! Awesome blog post :)
    I really liked the fact that you explained your reasoning right in the beginning of your post with the 4 parameters that you mentioned. I kind of did something similar, and I think it really helps me understand where you are coming from and what you're thinking for your posts when I know what you think is important for an invention.

    This is totally not necessary, but one think you may consider is relating each one of your inventions to whichever of the 4 parameters you see it best fitting under. Just a thought!

  2. Hello!,
    Very interesting choices. I liked how you used your guidelines for each and explaining in detail about how each invention changed our day to day life and really the direction in which society has come. Great choices for the updated top 10, I agree with all of them and will take them into account when updating my top 10. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Good job! I definitely agree with almost all your inventions. Although for plumbing, I would call the topic sewage as the ability to prevent fecal bacteria. I also really like the idea of antibiotics.

  4. Hi Vruti,
    I liked the fact that one of your criteria was that the invention increased "the flow of ideas and education." In so many ways, people look for inventions that simply make our lives easier, but one way an invention can make our life easier is through teaching us the fundamentals. Something such as the printing press or the Internet has allowed for our society to grow through learning, implementing, and collaborating on different ideas and technologies that emerge from different thinkers. For any invention to truly be great, there must be a foundation for it. And in our society, it has been shown that any invention can be consistently improved upon. Inventions that enable simplified learning and allow for the flow of ideas allow for technology and society to grow. It is for that reason that I enjoyed reading your list and seeing how the inventions you listed impacted the growth of learning within our world.

  5. Hi Vruti,

    I like how you listed your selection criteria upfront. It helps me to understand your selection better. On that note, I think you can improve your clarity by only citing criteria that apply to all of your inventions. In other words, choose the broader guidelines that are consistently used in every invention.

    One invention that I thought is important, and which I haven’t thought about before, is plumbing. I recalled visiting a remote village where there is no plumbing and the restroom is filled with flies and bad smell. If that restroom is moved to crowed cities, it would definitely be dangerous and exposing population to many diseases. I would consider plumbing in my new top ten list!

  6. Hello Vruti!

    That's right! We met in 3DS!! I really really liked the criteria that you used to explain your top 10 inventions. Definitely there are many ways to make a big change in society. Like you say these changes can come from an education improvement that will create a positive spiral where more people have the chance to change the world or the steam engine where now people can have the energy anywhere to start fabricating new things. At the end in my opinion the best inventions are the ones that lay down the base for other inventions to happen.

    See you in class

  7. Vruti! I never really thought that the compass was that great of an invention. But now after reading your blog post, it makes sense. Without it, there might not even be a United States of America cus the explorers might have gotten lost.

  8. Hi Vruti,

    I really enjoyed reading your post and I could tell that you put a lot of thought into it by how you organized it so well.
    Good work!

  9. Hi Vruti,

    Great idea to base your choices on specific criteria! I did that too, but I didn't include "Increased the flow of ideas and education." That is an interesting point, and I think should definitely be considered when choosing what is significant to our society.

  10. Hi Vruti,

    Great addition with adding the printing press to the list of inventions. I love studying about the historical time period when this was invented, and know how this really changed the labor inputs to creating books and other literary mediums, giving many the ability to read and get access to more knowledge! Great choice.

  11. Hey Vruti,
    I really enjoyed reading your post, and I found it really interesting how our lists had so much in common. Great work!
