Sunday, February 15, 2015

Blog 7: Apple v. Samsung Case

Samsung v. Apple was the first of a series of ongoing lawsuits between these two large companies regarding the design of smartphones and tablet computers. Just between them, the companies made more than half the smartphones sold worldwide.

In 2011 Apple files a lawsuit against Samsung in patent infringement suits. Apples multinational litigation over technology patents became known as part of he mobile device “smartphone patent wars”. By August 2011, Apple and Samsung were litigating 19 ongoing cases in nine countries. Apple filed suits against Samsung saying that it was infringing several patents. Apple claimed that Samsung was copying its technology, products, features, and designs. Samsung however countered with a suit saying that Apple was trying to hurt competition by targeting it for litigation. By July 2012, the companies were still entangled in over 50 cases around the globe, with billions of dollars in damages claimed between them. Overall, that’s what happened in the Apple vs. Samsung Cases.


  1. Thanks for describing the litigation between Apple and Samsung. It would have been great to hear a bit more detail about which features are being disputed and how this has affected competition between them.

  2. Hi Vruti, You did a great job giving a high-level overview of the legal battle between Apple and Samsung! Seems like they are some fierce competitors and will continue to have litigation issues between the two of them in the future.

  3. Hi Vruti,

    It was great to see how you quantified and gave more insight on the numbers behind this huge litigation case. It is crazy to think how far and wide this battle has spread around the world!
