Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Blog 13: YouTube clip on Obviousness

Hello! I this YouTube clips on Obviousness. It is an interview with a patent lawyer who discusses utility patents. He says there are three main things to look for in a patent: 

1. Novelty- Is the patent new? Has anyone done it before? 
2. Utility- Does it have a use? 
3. Non-obvious- Can someone in the field easily think of it/do it? 

In this video he discusses obviousness and gives a good example of a table. You have a table that has a top, bottom, and 4 legs. Instead of a past patent that has a square top and is brown colored, your table has a square top and is blue colored. Although it is a new design and color, it is too obvious. If you go to a carpenter ( a skilled person in this field) he could easily make a table in a different color or shape. This goes with exactly what we discussed in class! Nonobvious means that a person having ordinary skills in the art would not have easily thought of it given the plurality of prior art. 

Overall, this video was very clear and gave a good definition of non-obiovness. Check it out! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Vruti,

    Great job on providing a solid example in the form of the two desks - that really shows that you understood the concepts and could apply it to a new situation! Also, your three posed questions were really helpful too in understanding what to look for in a patent from the patent lawyer.
