Friday, January 30, 2015

Blog 1: Introduction

Hi! My name is Vruti Desai and I am a Sophomore at UC Berkeley. I plan on majoring in Applied Math and Business, with a minor in Creative Writing. The world of entrepreneurship has always fascinated me. I have participated in several programs and taken several entrepreneurship courses at UC Berkeley. I have participated in IdeaFest, 3-Day Start Up, and will attend Clinton Global Initiative University in March. I have also taken several entrepreneurship/ business courses at UC Berkeley such as Introduction to Business (UGBA10), Introduction to Entrepreneurship (UGBA C5), OnRamp (IAS 150), and The Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship Bootcamp (IEOR 192).  I am currently taking The A. Richard Newton Lecture Series (E98), Patent Engineering (IEOR 190G), and Technology Entrepreneurship (IEOR 191). I am really interested in new ideas and innovation. 

You can find more about me on my linkedin:

I am really excited to take this Patent Engineering class because I want to learn more about patents and the use of intellectual capital for competitive advantages.  I  am interested in learning about innovation and patent strategy. I believe that it is really important to know and learn about the technological and marketing challenges we may face in the start-up world.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Vruti!

    It was lovely reading about your background. I am very impressed by your intended majors/minor and that you have found the time in your schedule to fit in all of those electives! I always enjoy finding out what other students are studying and intending on pursuing in life. You did an excellent job in outlining why this course is of interest to you. I think my only suggestion would be to add a little something more personal about yourself - perhaps where you come from? I don't mean anything serious, just to approach your blog more as if you are talking with a friend rather than giving an interview.

    Once again, very impressed and I hope you can go on to achieve everything that you wish!

